Thursday, September 27, 2007

A Rave.

I thought I'd rave about one of my very favorite books just so it might inspire someone to read it. Audrey Niffenegger wrote "The Time Traveler's Wife" and it is truly a fantastic story. It chronicles the life of a man who uncontrollably travels through time and his devoted wife. It may be a bit "Sci-Fi" for some of you but I find it just breathtaking. There's something so raw about it, so genuine. I HIGHLY recommend it. Just give it a try- It's not that big.

The Second rave of the day is for Anita Diamant's "The Red Tent". I read this in one sitting and was out of breath at the end. The power of the women who grace the pages of this novel is so clearly written into their words, their actions. I just loved it. If I was stranded on a desert island- I would definitely include this in my list of must-haves. Read it.

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